
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
My Life In Games - Ep. 25 There's Always Something
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
On Episode 25 of My Life In Games there is indeed always something. This week, Sage goes over a few "News Bytes" before setting off into a software suite we usually delete - Elgato's Capture Software. Neutron then takes you through what's being hailed as one of Destiny's greatest updates - Forsaken, and some minor points of annoyance in an otherwise fantastic DLC. Nintendo Direct was delayed but other bits of information has been released as well as their crackdown on ROM sites. Silus takes us through Elgato's Customer Support service and his personal experience before we cap off the episode with a little Anime talk.
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Thursday Sep 06, 2018
My Live In Games - Ep. 24 Borked 4.0
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
In this episode Silus, Sage and Neutron catch up on the happenings over the past few weeks before diving into a very special announcement! (Seriously, it's awesome.) Next on the docket, we discuss the changes to Twitch's ad-free viewing experience and how that affects the MLIG crew as well as broadcasters network-wide. The Geforce RTX 20 series released its preorders and promptly sold out - we discuss who may benefit from the pricey upgrade. In July, No Man's Sky accumulated $24m, potentially make a power play on Fortnite? Silus and the crew deep dive into what it would take to dethrone the current battle royale king. Sage takes a moment to appreciate Assasins Creed Origins and talks about October's Odyssey release - How is Ubisoft able to release both titles within such a small amount of time? Neutron rounds out the discussion with Destiny 2's Forsaken DLC (Spoiler: We really like it. There are no story spoilers here, however!)
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Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
My Life In Games - EP. 23 Vacation!?
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
In this episode of My Life In Games, Sage went on vacation... Neutron looks forward to a Gamecation...Silus has Nocation :( Unreal engine 4 updates and SWITCH, No Mans Sky NEXT, Mixer partner updates, and plenty of anime catchup
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Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
My Life In Games - EP. 22 E3 Impressions (Part 2)
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
In this episode of My Life In Games, The Guys discuss... blaming other games for the fail of Mass Effect andromeda?? Is anthem still a day one purchase? E3... Seeeega, PSVR and of course anime!
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Sunday Jun 24, 2018
My Life In Games - EP. 21 E3 Impressions (Part One)
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
In this episode of My Life In Games, before the guys sink their teeth into E3 impressions they discuss current games on the playlist, Nintendo Strikes Back by handcrafting some ban-sammidges for Switch modders, and Neutron explores the world of Mixer. Prepare yourself for nerdy E3 discussion galore and tune in for more soon!
Follow the show on Twitter @mligames
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Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
My Life In Games - EP. 20 I Broke my controller
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
In This Episode of My Life In Games, Silus HULK SMASHES his PS4 controller and Neutron Replaces SAGE!? :O ..... yeah let that sink in. Silus and neutron catch up, talk about e3 hopes n' dreams that'll smashed to bits like silus controller. Sega has been really active, and silus.... PRE-ORDERS a GAME :O , Neutron talks about other streaming platforms MIXER, Facebook gaming etc and how some have found success by leaving twitch. Lastly everything is wrapped up with some ANIME discussion.
Follow the show on Twitter @mligames
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Tuesday May 29, 2018
My Life In Games - EP. 19 A Game Called IRL
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
In this episode of My Life In Games Silus, Sage, and Neutron catchup on their current games before diving into thoughts on Sea of Thieves and the now released "Hungering Deep" DLC. Before leaving pirate-ridden waters, Ubisoft's Skull and Bones enters the conversation with canons still red hot with hype regardless of the launch delay. Neutron and Sage are back playing Destiny 2 after the Curse of Osiris and Warmind DLCs and discuss their impressions since the vanilla release. Of course, with E3 so close it's impossible not to bring up what peaks our interest and what should walk the plank. Silus then discusses a new Nintendo woe before opening up the conversation to our current anime picks. We round off the show with a Content Creator Update and discuss Streamlabs Mobile and Twitch's low-latency mode.
Follow the show on Twitter @mligames
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Saturday May 19, 2018
My Life In Games – EP. 18 “Royale” Pains
Saturday May 19, 2018
Saturday May 19, 2018
On this episode of My Life In Games, Silus and Sage catch up on personal goings on, Windows 10 Update woes, Nintendo’s patent disputes, PvP incentivization, an addition to the Bioshock universe in secret development, God of War 3, and the ongoing EA Loot Box Saga. We round off our conversation by touching base on Content Creators experiencing low numbers and how they approach overcoming the slump.
Links to the My Life In Game Cast:

Friday Mar 23, 2018
My Life In Games - EP 17
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Follow us on Twitter @mligames
Check out Sage's Twitch here: http://twitch.tv/orenjiirosage
Check out Silus's Twitch here: http://twitch.tv/silus_wyvern
Follow Neutron on Twitter @JNeutroN89
Check out Neutron's Twitch: http://twitch.tv/jneutron

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
My Life In Games - EP 16 Remastered
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
In This episode of My Life In Games Silus & Sage Talk about Game REMASTERS! Along with some interesting bits about GPU Hardware costs going up and the effects to DIY PC Builders. They Also talk about some of their picks for upcomming games this year including one sequel thats been YEARS in waiting. Lastly they wrap things up with the process they go though when adding a new game to their stream line-up.
Follow us on Twitter @silusandsage
Check out Sage's Twitch here: http://twitch.tv/orenjiirosage
Check out Silus's Twitch here: http://twitch.tv/silus_wyvern